Thursday, August 23, 2007

Thursday Thirteen-13 things I've learned on the 1st days of school

Kindergarten-Bus numbers are important things to remember as all busses don't end up at my house.

1st grade-Different year, different teacher, different rules and no naptime makes chris a tired boy

2nd grade-Despite popular opinion in the circle of boys...kissing girls doesn't lead to instant warts

3rd grade-Bus numbers are still important things to remember...nuff said

4th grade-Summertime records for most bugs, fish and lizards caught should automatically be adjusted up on the retelling of such adventures. Its always best to tell your stories last!

5th grade-No matter what you've been led to believe over the phone for the past 2 months, girls don't develop into supermodels over the summer.

6th grade-Even though Michael Jackson was cool in 5th grade a single white glove doesn't work well with camo parachute pants.

7th grade-Chinese throwing stars, dull as they may be, are considered weapons so don't bring them to school

8th grade-No matter what prior experience has suggested girls do in fact turn into supermodels over the summer!

9th grade-They call it Senior hall for a reason...

10th grade-Freshmen are so small.

11th grade-Senior hall is overrated.

12th grade-The first day of school was two days ago? least I know my bus number.


Janelle said...

That just about sums it up!

Alana said...

Great post...I actually winced at the 6th grade and 9th grade lessons.

Senior Hall brought back a lot of memories...a very scary place for a freshman!

Anonymous said...

Why do I feel as if I have stumbled onto the blog of Napoleon Dynamite.

By the way, I loved the "Liger" and the dance bit.

Chris said...


Rochelle said...

2ns and 6th grade - lol!

great post!

Shelley said...

I wish I coulda seen the parachute pants in action...I've heard the stories, but have yet to see the pics!

Anonymous said...

More Posts Please!!!!