Monday, September 17, 2007

my blogging mind is...


Anonymous said...


Chris said...

well said

Anonymous said...


Chris said...

pulchritude with attitude...(do I have the latitude to assume that beatitude?)

Anonymous said...

I used to have this friend who was a musician psychologist pawnbroker. He had this great blog I liked to read that often incorporated humorous [of the wry and dry variety] anecdotes and observations. Then suddenly, like a wet towel pop to the backside, all posts disappeared without explanation, pomp or circumstance. The black nothingness of his blog page was like the black emptiness of my soul… or at least like the blackness of a pool of used motor oil puddled on the ground.

This sounds like a good post.

Thanks old friend.

Anonymous said...

we want pictures!

Anonymous said...

I keep coming here, so you might as well post something witty and cool.